There are a total of 78 6-letter words starting with 'sta', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- stabby 14
- stable 10
- stably 12
- stacks 13
- stacte 9
- stadda 8
- stades 7
- stadia 7
- staffs 12
- staged 9
- stager 8
- stages 8
- stagey 10
- staggy 12
- staigs 8
- stains 7
- stairs 6
- staith 9
- staked 11
- staker 10
- stakes 10
- stalag 9
- staled 8
- staler 7
- stales 7
- stalko 10
- stalks 11
- stalky 13
- stalls 8
- stamen 10
- stamps 12
- stance 10
- stanch 12
- stanck 12
- standi 8
- stands 8
- staned 8
- stanes 7
- stangs 9
- stanks 11
- stanol 6
- stanza 16
- stanze 15
- stanzo 15
- stapes 9
- staphs 11
- staple 10
- starch 11
- stared 7
- starer 6
- stares 6
- starks 10
- starns 6
- starrs 6
- starry 8
- starts 6
- starve 10
- stases 6
- stasis 6
- statal 7
- stated 7
- stater 6
- states 6
- static 9
- statim 8
- statin 7
- stator 6
- statua 6
- statue 7
- status 7
- stauns 6
- staved 11
- staves 10
- stawed 10
- stayed 9
- stayer 8
- stayne 9
- stayre 9
There are 78 6-letter words starting with "sta" in the well-known word game dictionary, 61 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 75 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 62 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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