There are a total of 72 6-letter words starting with 'or', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- orache 11
- orachs 11
- oracle 10
- orally 10
- orange 9
- orangs 9
- orangy 11
- orants 6
- oraria 6
- orated 7
- orates 6
- orator 6
- orbier 9
- orbing 12
- orbita 8
- orbits 9
- orbity 11
- orcein 10
- orchat 11
- orchel 11
- orchid 12
- orchil 12
- orchis 11
- orcine 8
- orcins 10
- orcish 11
- ordain 8
- ordeal 8
- orders 7
- ordure 8
- oreads 7
- oreide 7
- orenda 8
- orexis 13
- orfray 11
- organa 9
- organs 9
- orgasm 11
- orgeat 8
- orgiac 11
- orgias 7
- orgies 8
- orgone 9
- orgues 7
- oribis 9
- oriels 7
- orient 7
- orifex 16
- origan 9
- origin 9
- orihou 9
- oriole 7
- orisha 9
- orison 7
- orixas 13
- orlons 6
- orlops 10
- ormers 9
- ormolu 11
- ornate 7
- ornery 9
- orogen 9
- oroide 7
- orphan 12
- orphic 14
- orpine 10
- orpins 10
- orrery 8
- orrice 9
- orthos 9
- orvals 9
- oryxes 15
There are 72 6-letter words starting with "or" in the well-known word game dictionary, 54 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 69 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 55 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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