There are a total of 98 6-letter words starting with 'ni', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- niacin 11
- nibbed 14
- nibble 14
- nibbly 13
- niblet 11
- nibses 10
- nicads 11
- nicely 13
- nicest 10
- nicety 12
- niched 13
- nicher 12
- niches 12
- nichts 11
- nicish 12
- nickar 12
- nicked 15
- nickel 15
- nicker 14
- nickle 15
- nickum 14
- nicols 11
- nidate 7
- nidget 10
- nidify 13
- niding 11
- nidors 7
- nieces 10
- nielli 9
- niello 9
- niente 8
- nieves 11
- niffed 14
- niffer 13
- nigers 7
- nigger 8
- niggle 12
- niggly 14
- nighed 12
- nigher 11
- nighly 13
- nights 11
- nighty 13
- nigiri 9
- nihilo 10
- nihils 10
- nikahs 13
- nikaus 10
- nilgai 10
- nilgau 11
- nilled 10
- nimbed 11
- nimble 14
- nimbly 16
- nimbus 14
- nimmed 14
- nimmer 10
- nimrod 11
- nincom 10
- nincum 10
- niners 6
- ninety 10
- ninjas 17
- ninons 9
- ninths 10
- niobic 13
- nipped 14
- nipper 13
- nipple 14
- nipter 8
- niqaab 17
- niqabs 19
- nirled 7
- nirlie 6
- nirlit 6
- niseis 7
- nisgul 7
- nishes 9
- nisses 6
- nitals 8
- nitent 8
- niters 7
- nitery 9
- nither 9
- nitons 8
- nitres 7
- nitric 10
- nitrid 8
- nitril 8
- nitron 8
- nitros 7
- nitrox 14
- nitryl 9
- nitwit 10
- nixers 14
- nixies 14
- nixing 17
- nizams 19
There are 98 6-letter words starting with "ni" in the well-known word game dictionary, 68 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 86 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 73 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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