There are a total of 60 6-letter words ending in 'ha', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- akasha 12
- aphtha 13
- bahaha 13
- bertha 11
- betcha 14
- bhasha 13
- bugsha 14
- buqsha 21
- burkha 16
- cancha 15
- chacha 16
- chicha 16
- concha 15
- datcha 12
- doncha 13
- geisha 10
- gotcha 13
- gutkha 15
- kachha 17
- kangha 15
- kuccha 19
- kulcha 17
- kurtha 13
- kwacha 18
- maltha 12
- matcha 14
- moksha 15
- morcha 14
- murrha 12
- nympha 17
- pakeha 15
- paskha 15
- poisha 11
- quotha 18
- sabkha 15
- sangha 11
- shisha 10
- shosha 10
- siddha 10
- simcha 14
- sradha 9
- sulpha 13
- tirtha 8
- watcha 14
- wotcha 14
- buddha 13
- orisha 9
- caltha 11
- cutcha 13
- duhkha 17
- dukkha 18
- epocha 13
- kaccha 17
- kantha 13
- kutcha 15
- lorcha 11
- onycha 14
- pulkha 15
- taiaha 9
- yarpha 14
There are 60 6-letter words ending in ha in the well-known word game dictionary, 29 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 41 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 45 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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