There are a total of 62 6-letter words containing 'dis', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- beedis 10
- bindis 11
- caddis 11
- cardis 10
- disarm 10
- disbar 10
- disbud 12
- disced 11
- discos 10
- discus 11
- diseur 8
- dished 10
- dishes 9
- disked 12
- dismal 11
- dismay 12
- dismes 10
- disomy 12
- disown 11
- dispel 11
- dissed 8
- disses 7
- distal 8
- distil 8
- distro 7
- disuse 8
- dudish 11
- fundis 12
- gaddis 10
- gundis 11
- handis 10
- iodise 7
- iodism 10
- jadish 18
- khadis 13
- modish 12
- nudism 12
- nudist 9
- oddish 10
- odists 7
- oldish 10
- radish 9
- rudist 8
- sadism 10
- sadist 7
- tsadis 7
- widish 12
- disker 11
- audism 9
- audist 7
- codist 9
- discal 9
- disman 9
- disple 9
- dudism 10
- eadish 10
- eddish 11
- mandis 9
- modist 9
- odisms 9
- rudish 10
- vendis 10
There are 62 6-letter words containing dis in the well-known word game dictionary, 42 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 56 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 47 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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